How to use LinkedIn for personal branding

How to Use LinkedIn for Personal Branding

LinkedIn is a go-to place for professional networking. The platform offers its users a CV-like profile page which includes a brief bio, key career milestones where you can go into as much detail as you'd like about a particular experience, education, and professional achievements such as certifications, awards, publications, volunteering experience etc. Today, we will … Continue reading How to Use LinkedIn for Personal Branding

How to Use Pinterest for Personal Branding: 5 Steps Guide

Actually, I was going to start the overview of social media platforms you can use for online personal branding with another one (express survey here: which one do you think to be more logical first choice here?), but I received so many questions and comments about Pinterest after this piece was published, that I decided … Continue reading How to Use Pinterest for Personal Branding: 5 Steps Guide

Personal Branding and Personal Marketing

3 Online Marketing Channels for Personal Branding

Let's imagine that you are looking for a job, or maybe you are concerned about some information published online about you, so you want to improve how your digital image is perceived online. You start to analyze and influence your internet profile. That's personal online branding. But working with social media profiles, writing for a … Continue reading 3 Online Marketing Channels for Personal Branding

Do I Need Social Media Profiles For My Personal Brand Online?

That probably was the most surprising first question to hear from a client. For me, as a person working on online personal branding, that was obvious: the more the better! But then we sat to discuss it in more details, and more layers to the situation were resurfaced. So, let's see... Do you really … Continue reading Do I Need Social Media Profiles For My Personal Brand Online?

How to build personal brand online -- first steps

How to Build Your Personal Brand Online: First Steps

We are all connected. No matter how conservative you are in your online preferences, you still create the digital footprint -- and it's up to you to make it not just a mere collection of outdated comments or emojis, but a real personal brand. Good news are: you have all the tools and skills … Continue reading How to Build Your Personal Brand Online: First Steps